Sunday, October 26, 2008


I am attempting to turn around my life. This weekend I realized I depended too much on just floating along. I mean, floating along and waiting to see how situations turn out just isn't working.

Something you should know about me... I have a really bad memory. Okay, I don't have a BAD memory, but tasks that I don't feel like are immediately important usually slip by me until it's brought up again. I've decided that I'm going to make friends with a notebook. Just getting into the habit of updating... ugh.

I also have to buckle down and do more work nightly and on weekends. I didn't get as much done as I wanted this weekend because my "sister in-law" who is 7 had to stay this weekend. Mother in-law had to stay at the hospital and my Courtney had to work all weekend.

Anyways, speaking of Makayla.. she is 11 months old in just a few hours. Her birthday party is in less than a month and she is going to be 1 on Thanks Giving, 1 month away.

Pics from the last 2 weekends to follow soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Check out this video: Mysteries of the Seventh Lunar Month

This is a "mockumentary" for Eduardo Sanchez's "Seventh Moon" movie with Amy Smart.

Now that I got my shameless plug out there... check out the special thanks at the end of the video. So freakin cool!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Makayla had some cupcake tonight. As Alyssa would spell "cupcak" - Alyssa is my 7 y/o sister in law.

Okay, okay. I had some alcohol intake tonight. Good break from reality! 

Waited till little Makayla was asleep of course.

Anyways. We gave makayla a cupcake tonight. not a whole one, but just some parts. She got super hyper. She started walkign really really good tonight. She stood up on her own and took her own initiative to walk a few steps a bunch of times. She popped up on her own a bunch too. Really funny, really hyper. Took like 3 laps arounds the upstairs (through our room into hers and then through the hall and into our room and out hers again 3 times.) She was really funny. The little spider monkey crawling thing. I like it when she walks. So cute.


Watched like half of "the notebook" for Courtney tonight. It's an entertaining movie for a chick-flick, but got tired of it all the same. Both of us. I would have watched it through for her but she didn't want to watch it all so is all good.


I'm gonna go check myspace since I updated my profile look and stuff. Took forever to figure out how to get it to match in firefox and safari and internet explorer 7. Firefox reads CSS really strange.

